We don’t talk about
menopause in the workplace.
That’s why the workplace is
not working for women.
- It's time to do something about it -
A mass resignation movement
no one is talking about.
1 in 10 female workers experiencing menopause leave their job due to workplaces being unable to accommodate their needs.1 Women can experience over 30 menopause symptoms, such as hot flashes, that directly impact their personal and working lives.2
“Menopause has the worst P.R. campaign in the history of the universe, because it’s not just hot flashes and night sweats.”3
Hot Resignation is a term referring to thousands of female workers who are quitting every day due to the lack of support for women experiencing menopause.1 Scroll down to get a glimpse of the impact of menopause on the American economy and how you can start breaking the taboo around it.
of women are trying to navigate work while experiencing untreated hot flashes4
of women feel that menopause symptoms negatively impact their careers5
of women quit their job often due to workplaces that can't accommodate their needs1
the cost to
businesses can reach
$2.2 billion
a year6
For many women, menopause coincides with the prime of their careers.
Leaders, managers, and even CEOs are leaving because companies
fail to provide them with a safe and supportive environment.
How can I make the
workplace work better for
Small changes can make a big difference to women going through menopause. Talking about the need for more support is the first step to breaking this taboo.

See below for how to spark a conversation on LinkedIn and, if you're an HR manager, how to create a menopause friendly workplace.
Business leaders and the HR community love to use professional social media, and there’s nothing more effective to engage with users than celebration GIFs. So we turned menopause symptoms into GIFs showing how they affect women in their jobs. You will find a lot of GIFs highlighting that menopause is more than just hot flashes.

How you can create change in the workplace:

1   Select a GIF
2   Click image to share it on LinkedIn
3   Share it with your thoughts
4   Tag #HotResignation
to help your company
create change
Learn more about menopause,
its symptoms, and its impact on
the economy and organizations,
and be ready to help your company
be more menopause-friendly.
download the toolkit
to help your company
create change
Learn more about menopause,
its symptoms, and its impact on
the economy and organizations,
and be ready to help your company
be more menopause-friendly.
download the toolkit
Created in collaboration with MIPO (Menopause
Information Pack for Organizations), a research-based,
free, open-access suite of resources to help
organizations support women in mid-life.

Discover more
Created in collaboration with MIPO (Menopause
Information Pack for Organizations), a research-based,
free, open-access suite of resources to help
organizations support women in mid-life.

Discover more